Zine There Done That

As Ana recovers in hospital from a serious mental health breakdown, she discovers the potential for zines to rebuild her life and rediscover her voice. This intimate documentary is captured on an eclectic mix of formats which wrinkle and glitch to mirror the delicate piecing together of Ana and her connection to the underground mental health zine community in the UK. A tender, creative, and ultimately empowering look at how art can bring people together to regain control of their lives in a digital world.


Leeds Queer Film Festival 2022

Glasgow Zine Festival 2022
SQIFF 2020 – nominated best Scottish film
Swansea Zine Fair 2020
Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair 2020
Glasgow Zine Library 2020
Dundee Isolation Film Festival 2020

Co-director : Ana Hine

Ana Hine is a Dundee based artist and zine-ster.  Her recent work explored the experience of trauma, and how automatic writing can be used to as a therapeutic tool to explore these issues.  Ana’s work strongly responds to her mental health journey.  Her work has experimented with video art, printmaking, and performance.  She is currently a member of the Queer Dot collective in Scotland and has finished a show ‘The Queer Dot : Our Space, Our Experience’ at Generator projects.
Ana’s zine ‘Artificial Womb’ is a collective feminist DIY publication.  The zine covers feminist and LGBT themes and issues, and has proven to be a source of help and comfort for readers who relate to these issues.  A strong global community of collaborators and readers have supported Artificial Womb.